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So, it's easy to determine the order of keys cleaned.
Your search - `Ahyuijokp]\ ZA Q2a TRaq'[;] \';lkjhgfaszxC,M /..,MN CZX ]\ ] \- did not match any documents.
Breastfeeding class set today
COLUMBUS — Columbus Community Hospital will host a breastfeeding class at 7 p.m. today at the hospital in either the Pawnee room or Maternal Child Health Department, depending on the size of the class.
Classes will be held on the third Tuesday of each month.
This class is for those who are unsure about breastfeeding or know they want to breastfeed.
Stop at the second floor Maternal Child Health Department to check for class location. For more information, call 562-3266.
November 11-13: Iowa Interstate QJ Steam Excursion
QJ 2-10-2 steam locomotive #7801 leads a round-trip from Des Moines to Council Bluffs, Iowa
For more information: Rock Island Technical Society
Breaking News!
When did you last ride behind a steam Engine? You can have a chance to ride from Des Moines, IA to Council Bluffs, IA behind the IAIS No. 7801. This 2-10-2 was built in China and purchased by the IAIS in 2005. The IAIS has donated 20 tickets to RITS with the proceeds going to support the museum/company store in Savanna. The ticket price is $175 round trip and $100 one way.
The train departs Des Moines at 10:00 AM on Thursday, November 11, 2010 and arrives in Council Bluffs around 4:00 PM.
Equilon, Motiva, Equiva Services and Equiva Trading
Welcome to the former home page of the alliance companies: Equilon Enterprises LLC, Motiva Enterprises LLC, Equiva Trading Company and Equiva Services LLC.
In 1999, Shell, Texaco and Saudi Aramco associates created this group of businesses to create and sell Shell and Texaco refined products. Additionally, their goal was manage the companies’ transportation, lubricants and trading businesses in the United States.
As marketers and sellers of two of the biggest and most recognizable brands, Shell and Texaco, the Equilon, Motiva and Equiva had the knowledge and experience to make it big as leaders in the petroleum products business.
In 2002, the Equilon and Equiva names were dropped by Shell Oil Co. and began doing business as Shell. From November 2003 to September 2008 oil prices climbed by a factor of almost three. In 2008, with oil prices reaching record highs, many owners of SUVs and other "gas-hogs" began to look for a way to get cash for cars that had become too expensive to operate, and replace them with "fuel-sipping" vehicles, electric cars or hybrids.
Although Equilon, Motiva, Equiva have since disbanded, we welcome you to this website and hope you have found your visit here interesting and informative.
Copyright © 2008 All rights reserved.
"Shell, Texaco and Saudi Aramco associates created this group of businesses to create and sell..." (emphasis mine).
"As marketers and sellers of two of the biggest and most recognizable brands, Shell and Texaco, the Equilon, Motiva and Equiva had the knowledge and experience to make it big as leaders in the petroleum products business." What are the Equilon, Motiva and Equiva?No mention of the Chevron-Texaco merger... And what's with the cash-for-cars link, in the middle of the post? Is it possible that the company behind the link "owns" the Equilon et al. web page?
"Equilon and Equiva names were dropped by Shell Oil Co. and began doing business as Shell." But Shell was already doing business as Shell.